Skill Level
Time to Make
30 mins
Adult Supervision

Top Tip
Weave 2 threads at the same time to make the weaving process quicker.
How to Make

- To start, cut triangular shapes around the edge of a yellow paper plate to create the petals for the sunflower.
- Stick the end of orange wool to the back of the paper plate and then wrap the orange wool in between the grooves of all the petals.
- Make sure to secure the wool by taping the end to the back of the paper plate or tie it to the centre where the wool crosses over itself.
- Cut two long lengths of brown wool and thread the ends through the eye of the needle.
- Next, tie the ends to the centre of the paper plate where the wool crosses over.
- Begin weaving the threaded needle under and over the orange wool. If you run out of wool, you can cut another length and attach it to the previous wool and continue weaving.
- When you finish weaving, secure the end of the wool by tying or sticking the end down.
- To finish, cut a length of orange ribbon, then make a loop and tape it to the back of the sunflower.
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